WASTED: Reducing Food Waste

If you work in the food service industry and you’re interested in learning about how to reduce, or even eliminate, food waste from your business then register to join our WASTED programme.

By signing up to WASTED you will get:

  • Access to a free 8-lesson online course, and related digital resources, presented by professional chefs working in different sub-sectors of the food service industry that explores simple, effective and actionable ways to reduce the amount of food waste leaving your kitchen.
  • An invite to join our free six-part webinar series featuring professional chefs and zero waste experts, which will encourage plenty of discussion and insight around preventing food waste in the food service industry.
  • The chance to host your own WASTED Supper Club (sign-up details below).
  • An opportunity to be part of a network of inspired, informed and proactive chefs and food service teams sharing zero food waste skills and knowledge and advocating the adoption of circular economy principals in commercial settings.

WASTED Supper Club

Host your own WASTED Supper Club and join GIY on the journey to reducing food waste in the Irish hospitality sector. Create a whole menu using zero-waste dishes or simply add a zero-waste dish to your current offering to become a member of the WASTED Supper Club.

Click on the button below to sign up to the WASTED Supper Club and we will send you everything you need to get started, from zero-waste recipes to sample menus that will impress your customers and reduce your food waste output.


WASTED is a national, peer-to-peer education programme for chefs and food service teams that focuses on reducing food waste in the hospitality industry.

This new initiative is supported by the Department of Environment, Climate Action and Communications (DECC) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as part of the Circular Economy Innovation Grant Scheme. Its aim is to engage and educate chefs and food service team members working in the hospitality industry to reduce food waste in the food service sector.

It’s estimated that the Irish food service sector wastes over 200,000 tonnes of food worth €300 million per year – a significant cost that often goes unseen. The WASTED programme centres on prevention as the most successful solution to reducing food waste and aims to create a network of chefs and food waste teams that advocate the adoption of circular economy principals in commercial settings.



Chefs presenting the WASTED online course:

Conor Spacey

Culinary Director at FoodSpace Ireland & UK

Food waste, to me, is an essential part of fixing a broken food system. We have to start with the food we waste and not the food we create. It’s about the food we throw out and how to reduce that.

Maurice Mc Geehan

Performance Chef at the IRFU and @TheNoWasteChef

Using every part of every ingredient is not only the most sustainable way of cooking, but it also makes the whole process interesting and fun.

Janice Casey Bracken

Executive Head Chef, Dunbrody Country House Hotel

You don’t have to have a huge garden, you don’t have to have a country house. If we all do a little bit to reduce food waste, it will make a difference.

JB Dubois

Head Chef at GROW HQ

At GROW HQ we create edible treats with leftovers and trimmings that many would consider to be food waste. Any food waste that does leave the kitchen goes in to our on-site composting system to be made into compost that fertilises our soil for all the food the garden team grows, the kitchen team cooks, and our customers eat.